Date limite 17 Juillet 2022 – 12 bourses doctorales “Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages” – Université de Iéna

12 bourses doctorales (65 %, TV-L E13)

“Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages”

Université de Iéna Friedrich Schiller

The Research Training Group “Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages” researches texts such ascommentaries, paraphrases, compendia, lexica, chronicles, collections, retold novels, and more. Since these and similar texts consciously depend on other texts, we call them ”heteronomous” texts. These works will be studied across genres and disciplines with respect to how they process on various levels (e.g., scholarly, cultural, formal, aesthetic) their pre-texts through selection and actualization and thereby develop their own “autonomy”.

Dissertations can be written in either German or English within the following – and possibly even additional – disciplines: Ancient History; Church History; Classical Philology/Greek; Classical Philology/Latin; Medieval German Studies; Medieval History; Medieval Latin and Modern Latin Philology; New Testament; Old Testament; Philosophy (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy; Arabic Philosophy); Roman Law.

Plus d’informations ici, en anglais et en allemand.


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